Diversity and inclusion
Based on the philosophy of kyosei, Canon Optron strives to create a workplace where each employee, with their unique values and personalities, can work enthusiastically without limit to their opportunities to flourish.

The Ibaraki Diversity Declaration
Canon Optron agrees with the Ibaraki Diversity Declaration* and is a signatory to it.
Ibaraki Prefecture made the Ibaraki Diversity Declaration to signal its commitment to realise “a society where every individual will be respected and able to demonstrate their individual capabilities regardless of their age, gender, nationality, disability, or sexual orientation” with the aim of creating a vibrant and sustainable local community.
*Published on the Ibaraki Prefecture Diversity Promotion Center’s ‘Polaris’ homepage.

Ibaraki Diversity Declaration text

Diversity Talks
We invited speakers from Ibaraki Prefecture Promotion Center’s ‘Polaris’ to give talks on diversity, and sent employees to take the Diversity & Inclusion Competency Test held by Ibaraki Prefecture as part of our efforts to deepen understanding and effectively harness our diverse human talent.

Roundtable discussions
We hold ongoing roundtable discussions to learn about our employees’ perspectives on various topics such as good initiatives by the company, career development, and awareness reform. The dialogues between diverse people provide an opportunity for realizations that drive self-motivation through inspiration and enlightenment.

Educational activities
To promote diversity and inclusion, we display educational materials to raise employee awareness.

Simple sign language