Health and safety efforts

Canon Optron has initiatives that aim to prevent industrial accidents and promote health and wellness so as to create a safe and secure working environment for all our employees.

Year 2023 Excellence Award, Ibaraki Prefecture Labor Bureau Chief Awards

Year 2023 Excellence Award, Ibaraki Prefecture Labor Bureau Chief Awards

Measures to prevent industrial accidents

For more than 10 years, Canon Option has not had any industrial accidents requiring over 4 days of suspended operations. Since 2023, it has also had no minor industrial accidents not warranting suspended operations. This was the result of measures to encourage health and safety, and earned Canon Optron an award from the Chief of the Ibaraki Prefecture Labor Bureau.

Healthy workplace

In acknowledgement of the success of its ongoing efforts to build a healthy workplace, Canon Optron was recognized under the 2024 Certified KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (SME category) established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

healthy workplace
Recognition under the 2024 Certified KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (SME category)

Recognition under the 2024 Certified KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (SME category)

Canon Group OSHMS

We have implemented systems to prevent industrial accidents, promote health, prevent disasters, and ensure traffic safety. We hope that these, along with ensuring the continuity of the PDCA cycle, will provide a safe and secure workplace for our employees.

Canon Group OSHMS

Independent health management and support

We are strengthening our measures to improve mental health through individual/organizational support with the use of stress level checks and other aids. Our employees are encouraged to go for cancer screening as well as participate in events aimed at countering and preventing lifestyle illnesses.

Independent health management and support
Traffic safety

Traffic safety

We run a range of activities aimed at achieving zero traffic accidents. These include road safety education and traffic warden training.

Disaster preparedness

Through our self-defense firefighting team, we run various trainings and educational activities aimed at improving disaster preparedness so that we are well equipped to handle a variety of disasters, including earthquakes and fires.

Disaster preparedness